What is CCP?

CCP stands for Compression Control Protocol which fits into a super-class of PPP protocols known as NCP (Network Control Protocol). CCP is used for establishing, configuring, and disabling data compression algorithms that compress the data payloads within PPP frames. It is defined in RFC 1962.

CCP uses the same packet exchange mechanism as the Link Control Protocol (LCP). Within each of these control frames, theere can be a number of types operations that deal with making configuration requests, ACKs, NAKs, etc. Here is a chart of well-defined compression formats that can be specified. These values go into the option field of a CCP configuration request (see the original RFC to see how this is accomplised):

0x0             OUI
0x1             Predictor type 1
0x2             Prefictor type 2
0x3             Puddle Jumper
0x4-0xf         Unassigned/Proprietary
0x10            Hewlett-Packard PPC
0x11            LZS, PPP Stac LZS Compression Protocol
0x12            MPPC, Microsoft Point-To-Point Compression Protocol
                MPPE, Microsoft Point-To-Point Encryption Protocol
0x13            FZA, PPP Gandalf FZA Compression Protocol
0x14            V.42bis compression
0x15            BSD, PPP BSD Compression Protocol
0x16            Unassigned
0x17            LZS-DCP
0x18            MVRCA, PPP Magnalink Variable Resource Compression Algorithm
0x19            DCE, Data Compression in Data Circuit-Terminating Equipment
0x1A            Deflate, PPP Deflate Protocol
0x1B-0xfe       Unassigned/Proprietary
0xff            Reserved