Lightning cast unusual shadows off Gammagirl's face as she approached Lord Asmodeus' castle. Her body had been mangled by the accident that gave her her powers because that's what happens when you're put into contact with that much radioactive cobalt. But her hideousness had not prevented her from tracking Lord Asmodeus to his castle in Yugoslavia, where he hid his fabled Death Ray. She would possess that Death Ray for herself. And after years of training, she finally had the powers to do it: gamma bolts, the ability to mold the earth to her will, the ability to call gamma demons from the sky, and immortality. It would be simple, she thought, to take the Death Ray from him now. She could almost feel its incomparable power in her hands.

She blasted the doors of the castle with a flick of her wrist, and Lord Asmodeus' army poured out of the open gate. She called down gamma demons from the sky and created giant pits of fire in the midst of the confused army. She closed her eyes and listened to the battle. At first, there were the sounds of guns being fired, but finally the men saw that bullets were of no avail against the demons and consigned themselves to their fate. The gunshots turned to screams. Gammagirl sighed. The foul temper went with her horribly deformed features was temporarily assuaged.

When the last soldier had died, Gammagirl closed the pits of fire and waved the demons out of existence. She walked over the corpses of the fallen soldiers and through the gate. Lord Asmodeus suddenly darted from behind a pillar and fired a red bolt at her. She fell, and as she shook from the shot, wondering what had happened, Asmodeus cackled and said, "Ah Gammagirl, I knew you would come for me. I even knew that your powers would be too great for me to overcome by my army. I even knew that your powers would grow to the point that you became immortal. So I prepared the one thing that your powers would not protect you against."

Lord Asmodeus gestured to the gun in his hand and said, "a weapon designed to deprive you of your free will! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!" Gammagirl willed herself to stand up, but found that she could not. She couldn't even make herself blink. Asmodeus said, "yes, yes, Gammagirl, feel your helplessness. All that training, for nothing." He tilted his head back, and closed his eyes in a bellowing laugh. Gammagirl's body then rose of its own accord, turned to Lord Asmodeus, and fired three gamma bolts into his torso. Asmodeus looked at his smoking intestines and said "but I thought..." then fell to the ground. Gammagirl's body said, "I suppose the tables have turned, eh Asmodeus?" Meanwhile, Gammagirl's soul screamed silently, in impotence.

Lord Asmodeus gestured to the gun in his hand and said, "a weapon designed to deprive you of your free will! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!" Gammagirl willed herself to stand up, but found that she could not. She couldn't even make herself blink. Asmodeus said, "yes, yes, Gammagirl, feel your helplessness. All that training, for nothing." He tilted his head back, and closed his eyes in a bellowing laugh. Gammagirl felt her arms growing weak as the residual tension in her muscles faded away. Without her will to support them, they were beginning to give way. She collapsed, head first, into the mud.

Lord Asmodeus gestured to the gun in his hand and said, "a weapon designed to deprive you of your free will! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!" Gammagirl stood up with no problem whatsoever. She was so astonished at how stupid Lord Asmodeus had been that she did a few jumping jacks to be sure that she was still in complete control of her body. She was. She called down a gamma demon, and watched Lord Asmodeus wrestle against it for his life. She considered getting popcorn.