This is a pseudo-dada poetry generation technique:
  1. Start typing strings of letters. Try to keep them between three and six letters long. Remember to include vowels.
  2. None of them should be real words. Run your spelling checker on them.
  3. Either accept the first suggestion, or just pick one from the list. There usually isn’t more than one.
  4. Some of them might not have any suggestions. In this case, either type a new string, or delete letters randomly until there are.
  5. Congratulations! You have just created a completely nonsensical poem greatly influenced by chance elements.

"Degree thank sudden
sit wend ambling

German heroic Burma
eternal dogma walk-in 
dermal errant

rim danger ammonite 
elm wet wren trams

fur dip blood
nark flame welt
runtime fumble  

feudal vermeil 
fungal waggle

gratin cherub sit err
merit adept derive biome

see thereof urn Erie Ghana build Tirana"