A note on the pronunciation of Basque is that through hundreds of years of being in contact with Spanish and, to a lesser extent, French, despite much linguistic (and otherwise) resistance, Basque has pretty much lost its original phonetics system, and is pronounced roughly like Spanish, especially when you think of supersegmental features, like how the words sound together in a string and how syllables are broken up.

In fact, to the untrained ear, especially to a non-native speaker of Spanish, Basque will initially sound like Spanish, until you realize that it makes no sense to you, and that the words are long and crazy-sounding (Basque is an agglutinative language, and Spanish is, as far as European languages go, almost the direct opposite).

But in fact, the sound inventory of Basque is almost identical to Spanish (Gernika and Guernica are the same word, and the only difference is Basque spelling vs. Spanish). And in fact, Basque is a relatively easy language, though about 2000 years of myth have told us otherwise. It's no harder than learning Japanese, Arabic, Hungarian, or any other non-Indo-European language. The myth comes from the fact that Europeans were pretty much ignorant of other languages until fairly recently (unlike the Chinese who dealt with many language families in their general area). In fact, Europe was pretty ignorant of everything until fairly recently. There's an old saying that 'all Basques go to Heaven', and this is because Satan cannot learn Basque, and therefore cannot tempt them. Obviously, in light of the violent actions of people like ETA, some Basques do indeed go to hell. Now I'd like to see Satan try to master Hopi. That would be impressive.

Basque is also full of Spanish words, and in fact, like English (not a Romance language), more than half of the Basque vocabulary is of a Latinate origin, with a shitload more from other foreign sources.