It's nearing the end of the semester, and I can't wait until it's over! I woke up this morning and said to myself, "I can do this. When I get back from class today, I finish the physics lab report, study for the exam tonight, and do laundry. I go to the exam tonight, come back and go to bed. I wake up in the morning and do my programming assignment for 4 hours in the morning, 2 in the afternoon (hopefully it will be done at this point), go to class in between, meet with my team to work on the LEGO robot, and then relax with my boyfriend tomorrow night because Friday will be all taken care of."

It's as if my professors said HAH!. You wish!

So, tomorrow night, I'll be probably be finishing the programming assignment after working on the robot and not seeing my boyfriend. Then Friday I have to get my CAD assignment done before lab so that I can work with my group on the CAD project (to model and do an animation). I will get to see my boyfriend tomorrow night - my study break for the weekend. My plans had to be changed because this morning, my programming teacher decides to tell us that our big comprehensive C test will be next Wednesday (gee, thanks for the warning...grr). And that's in addition to my chemistry test on Thursday, calculus test on Thursday morning (which was originally scheduled to be at the same time as the chemistry test), and my CAD exam on Friday. Oh yeah, it's going to be a *great* week. Peachy, just peachy.