Ahhh ... Ultimate Frisbee.

I played for a while at school when I decided I couldn't be arsed to bother with cricket, and along with about 20-30 other students we formed NADS, purportedly standing for 'National Adams Disc Squad', as we all came from Adams Grammmar School, but actually named so that the supporters could stands at the side of the pitch as shout 'Go NADS' with impunity.

I didn't ever make it to the team, which were actually very good and boasted several international players, and went on to win the UK National Indoor Championships in either 1996 or 1997.

The most enduring memory I have of the sport is the sheer number of ways a disc can be thrown, be it backhand (the way you would normally think to throw a frisbee, forehand (out of the front of you hand, and involved a lot of wrist flicking), or the tomahawk (where the frisbee was held perpendicular to the ground and hurled in a javelin style at about 45 degrees to the ground,giving you great distance on the throw before it curved round to fly flat ). The most elusive throw of all however, and one which I have never mastered, was the 'air bounce', which was an excellent way of passing the disc under a defenders arm. It was performed by throwing the disc at the ground but at a specific angle so that it caught a cushion of air underneath it, and rather than hitting the floor and thus turning possesion over to the opposing team, the disc bounced off the air, and started to rise again, carrying on its merry way. Baffled me every time.