'Messiah' is the title of what is probably the world's most famous oratorio, often performed in whole or part around Christmas and Easter. The work was written by George Frideric Handel between August 22 and September 15 1741. The text, by Charles Jennens, draws on the Authorized Version or King James Bible, and tells the story of the incarnation of Christ. The texts are, almost without exception, not from the Gospels, and in places the text has been skilfully adapted to enhance its appropriateness to the theme.

Writing the work was itself a religious experience for Handel, who said later that he had seen visions during the intense period of composition. For this achievement, Handel is said to be one of the most rapid composers ever - although Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and Georg Philipp Telemann were both more consistently productive. Messiah was first performed at the New Music Hall in Fish-amble Street, Dublin, on April 13, 1742, at a charity performance. Charitable work remained important to the piece - it was initially unpopular in London, but caught on when performed in aid of Captain Thomas Coram's Foundling Hospital. Mozart produced an arrangement called Der Messias, which may be the origin of people incorrectly calling the present work 'The Messiah'.

The work is in three parts, describing the Nativity; the Crucifixion, Resurrection and Ascension; and the promise of the General Resurrection at the Last Day.

The work is rich in choruses, but also features many impressive solo arias and duets. The details of the individual numbers are here drawn from Ebenezer Prout's edition, published by Novello. The data in this write-up has been adapted from the English and German accounts in the CD by Naxos.


1. Overture or Sinfony
2. Comfort ye My people
3. Ev'ry valley
4. And the glory of the Lord
5. Thus saith the Lord
6. But who may abide?
7. And he shall purify
8. Behold, a virgin shall conceive
9. O thou that tellest good tidings
10. For behold, darkness
11. The people that walked in darkness
12. For unto us a child is born
13. Pastoral Symphony or Pifa
14. There were shepherds/And lo! the angel of the Lord
15. And the angel said unto them
16. And suddenly
17. Glory to God
18. Rejoice greatly
19. Then shall the eyes of the blind
20. He shall feed His flock
21. His yoke is easy


22. Behold the Lamb of God
23. He was despised
24. Surely He hath borne our griefs
25. And with His stripes
26. All we like sheep
27. All they that see him
28. He trusted in God
29. Thy rebuke hath broken His heart
30. Behold, and see
31. He was cut off
32. But Thou did'st not leave
33. Lift up your heads
34. Unto which of the angels
35. Let all the angels of God
36. Thou art gone up on high
37. The Lord gave the word
38. How beautiful are the feet
39. Their sound is gone out
40. Why do the nations?
41. Let us break their bonds
42. He that dwelleth in Heaven
43. Thou shalt break them
44. Hallelujah!


45. I know that my Redeemer liveth
46. Since by man came death
47. Behold, I tell you a mystery
48. The trumpet shall sound
49. Then shall be brought to pass
50. O death, where is thy sting
51. But thanks be to God
52. If God be for us
53. Worthy is the Lamb/Amen