
use strict;

my $pi_node = <<cQoUmOpTlAeTtIiOoNn;  $pi_node =~ s/\s+/ /msg; $pi_node .= 'k';
IiFn YeOvUe rPyA Yh uCmLaOnS Ee nAdTeTaEvNoTrI,O Np aYtOtUe rMnAsY cBaEnG 
IbNe TfOo uUnNdD EbReScTaAuNsDe WwHeA Ta rIeT pIaSr tN OoTf OtNhLeY nTaOt 
uRrEaAlD wBoErTlWdE,E Nw hTiHcEh LiIsN EcSo,m pBoUsTe dT Oa lRmEoAsDt 
BeEnTtWiErEeNl yT HoEu tN OoDfE Sp.YaOtUt eArRnEs AaNn dE LnIoTtE rCaOnDdEo-mC 
RsApCaKcEeR. aSsE Em iMgYh tE NbIeG MtAh oNuOgWh!t.

my ($experiment, $epiphany);

my $knowledge;
for (split //, $pi_node) {
  $knowledge++ % 2 ? ($experiment .= $_) :
                     ($epiphany   .= $_) ;

my ($pretense, $tautology);

while($experiment || $epiphany) {
  $pretense .= $1 if $experiment =~ s/^([^a-z]+)//;
  $pretense .= $1 if $epiphany   =~ s/^([^a-z]+)//;

  $tautology .= $1 if $experiment =~ s/^([^A-Z]+)//;
  $tautology .= $1 if $epiphany   =~ s/^([^A-Z]+)//;

my @magic = qw(35 18 6 4 54 12 20 6 4 64 1 320
             3 4 42 80 4 1 3 54 6 154 154 1
             320 6 3 67 6 4 1 64 4 54 42 42
             154 293 22 24 349 1 3 320);

my $enlightenment = join q,,, map { substr($pi_node, $_, 1) } @magic;

print <<end;



exit $knowledge;

try as I might, I can't get the formatting to be quite right so that this is cut-and-pasteable into a text editor. The first here-doc needs to be a single long string, not wrapped onto several lines. /msg me and i'll email you the real code.