Allow me to get slightly mathematical for a moment.

An antenna's radiation is related to the spatial convolution of the 3D free space Green's Function and the electric currents residing on the antenna.

Consider the 3D free space Green's Function G:

G = e -jkR/R

where k is the wavenumber, and R is the distance between the observation point r' and the source point r, R = |r - r'|

The radiated magnetic field H due to a vector electric current J on the antenna is:

H = x A

where A is the vector magnetic potential involving the convolution mentioned earlier:

A = (μ / 4 π) ∫s J (e -jkR/R) ds

The radiated electric field E can be obtained from H by using the frequency-domain Maxwell's Equations thusly:

E = x H / jw ε

If you've studied fourier analysis before you might have noticed that the antenna radiation pattern is actually a spatial fourier transform of the antenna currents! That is so cool ...