Most of us have heard about atomic clocks: Clocks that can measure time with stunning precision. The most precise of these can measure time with a precision of 1 second per 200 million years. In this writeup, we will see how an atomic clock works, and why it is relevant to have accurate timekeeping

The name atomic clock is a bit strange: all matter is composed of atoms. So, what makes the atoms in an atomic clock special? The answer is that an atomic clock looks at the behavior of single atoms. The behavior of single atoms is best described with quantum mechanics, and has some interesting properties that we can use for keeping time.

An atom can exist in many different energy states. Each of these energy states corresponds to a slightly different internal energy and slightly different internal structure. Now, the crux is that these states are discrete: an atom might have state 1 or state 2 or state 3, but never something like state 1.7. Such a change in state is called a transition.

Atoms normally reside in a state close to the lowest energy state (the ground state). In order to get the atom to a higher energy state, we need to supply energy. We can do this by supplying electromagnetic radiation. Electromagnetic radiation can be thought of to consist of photons that each carry a discrete packet of energy. Now, transitions between various states are most efficient when the energy of the photon matches that of the transition. This well-known fact is the principle behind the atomic clock.

As an example, we'll take a look at the most accurate type of atomic clock available: the cesium fountain clock. In this clock, a cloud of ultra-cool cesium gas is produced in a vacuum chamber. It is important the gas is cool: temperature fluctuations would add extra bits of energy, ruining accuracy. The cesium now is cooled even further using laser cooling. Then, the cloud of vapor is given a little kick up by one of the lasers. It flies up, through a microwave source. This microwave source is capable of generating a very precise frequency - 9,192,631,770 Hertz. At this frequency, the absorption of energy by the cesium is optimal. It then flies up a little further, and, under the influence of gravity, falls back. It then picks up energy a second time. We now have a cloud of cesium that is partly in the lower state and partly in the higher state.

By shooting a laser on the cloud, we can induce fluorescence. This means that the cesium atoms will produce light, but light of a different color than the light of the laser. By choosing the right laser, we can make sure that only the cesium atoms that have been flipped by the microwaves fluoresce. By tuning the microwaves so that the output of the fluorescence is optimal, we can find the exact frequency belonging to the transition. What is left now is counting.

The second is defined as 9,192,631,770 cycles of radiation coming from this particular transition of cesium. Put differently, count to 9,192,631,770, and you have exactly one second. By tuning the microwave to the cesium, all we have to do is count cycles in the microwave. Of course, the actual operation of an atomic clock is a lot more complicated, especially the tuning-but this covers the basics

Atomic clocks offer a very precise way of measuring time - in fact, they are so precise the very standard of time is defined using them. The fundamental principle behind their operation is the fact that atoms can undergo an energy transition if they are hit with precisely the right kind of radiation. The frequency of this radiation can then be measured, and from this, time can be measured.