Ciao is the name of, a British website.
It is a consumer based website which gives impartial advice on products written by users
Products include many things:-
Cars & Motorbikes
Health & Beauty
Computers & Internet
House & Family
Electronics & Photography
Food & Beverages
Education & Careers
Travel & City Guide
Banking & Personal Finance
Due to the impartial nature and multiple postings on the same products, a good indication of the value/quality of the product can be acquired.
Surveys are also sent via e-mail to users and these can be used to earn money. The amount rewarded varies depending on the product.
Money is earned based on the amount of reads a product opinion gains, giving an incentive to users.
Users are called 'Ciaoers' and form part of an online community. The is the 'cafe' where ciaoers can write poetry,jokes and give top-ten lists in varying subjects.
Ciao is run by a company called Ciao-Aktiengesellschaft, a German market reasearch company. There are also French, Italian, Spanish and of course German versions of Ciao