And here's how you make it:
  • Take a tall glass, and fill it with about one inch of whole milk (lowfat or skim simply will not do.)
  • Fill to the top with seltzer. This cannot be from a bottle, it needs to be from a soda fountain or seltzer bottle--something that will agitate the milk enough to create a head of foam at the top of the glass.
  • Use about 2 tablespoons of the Fox's U-Bet syrup, poured in to the egg creme in a stream that drops through the foam without contaminating it.
  • Stir the egg creme in such a way as to not disturb the foam up above. This is best done with a long spoon through the center that you then pivot about the center axis of the glass.
The net effect is a two-tone drink with the chocolatey, seltzery bottom, with a head of white foam on top. Serve with a straw--you have to have a straw to enjoy this correctly. Well made, it's nice and cold and goes down very quickly.

Lou Reed wrote a song about egg cremes on his album Set The Twilight Reeling that is also a useful reference work here.

Yossarian certainly has the definitive egg cream recipe--it's worth noting that mine was reverse engineered as a child living many miles from Brooklyn. I was actually quite impressed that I got it to look like the real thing at all.