For a list of volumes please see Remembrance of Things Past

In a nutshell: Remembrance of Things Past and In Search of Lost Time are both English translations of Marcel Proust's Á la recherche du temps perdu. The translation In Search of Lost Time, published in 1992, is based on Remembrance of Things Past, but is a revised and corrected version, and is widely considered as preferable. Several translations are currently in print, see breakdown at the bottom.

Proust's multi-volume novel first began to be translated to English in 1922, when C. K. Scott Moncrieff's translation of Swann's Way was published. The rest followed throughout the 1920s, all translated by Moncrieff, except for the final volume The Past Recaptured (aka Time Regained), which was translated by Sydney Schiff. Only this last volume was later retranslated as a single unit, in the United States by Frederick Blossom and in the United Kingdom by Andreas Mayor.

Meanwhile the French original was being constantly revised and eventually the Moncrieff translation fell out of sync with it. In 1981, Terence Kilmartin performed a complete revision of all seven volumes, which was again published under the title Remembrance of Things Past. The title of the seventh volume, The Past Recaptured was changed to Time Regained in this edition.

In 1988-1989 another French edition was published, with more changes, making another translation necessary. This one was done in 1992 by D.J. Enright, who also renamed the entire work from Remembrance of Things Past to In Search of Lost Time. Cities of the Plain was also renamed to Sodom and Gomorrah, and The Sweet Cheat Gone to The Fugitive.

In 2002 another major translation, still titled In Search of Lost Time, was made by Penguin Books. This time each volume was translated by a different person, and the whole project edited by Christopher Prendergast. Swann's Way was renamed to The Way by Swann's, Within a Budding Grove to In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower, The Captive to The Prisoner, and Time Regained to Finding Time Again. So far this version has only been published in the United Kingdom.

Editions now in print in the United States:

Editions now in print in the United Kingdom:

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