It's really quite sad.

I just got a new sofa and coffee table today. The sofa is pretty standard, though it somehow seems huge now that I have it in my apartment. The interesting thing is the coffee table, which allows one to achieve new levels of couch potatoness. The top levitates up to form a usable desk. It's perfect for use as a dining table, right there from the couch. If you have a wireless mouse and keyboard, this table could make it practical to surf on the boob tube, given a PC with one of those TV out jacks.

I played around some more with my OmniRemote Springboard module for my visor deluxe.I'm gradually training it to replace all of my remotes and I'm mostly done. Just imagine, a single remote, where there was once five. This little guy makes my visor purchase worth while all by itself. I will completely eliminate my remote control clutter. This is truly the ultimate remote control for the money.