Kelewan is a fictional world originally created by Raymond E. Feist for his Riftwar series and then used by him and Janny Wurts for the Empire trilogy centering around Mara of the Acoma and her attempts to survive the politics of the Empire of Tsuranuanni.

The parts of Kelewan that we know of (in Mistress of the Empire we hear that there are more cultures past the Thuril highlands, and other continents across the ocean) consist of three continents, separated by the Sea of Blood.

The northernmost continent has a large glacier at the North pole, and to the south of this is a huge tundra on which the Thun, a centaur-like race live. To the south of the Thun-held tundra is The High Wall, a huge range of mountains which separates the tundra and the Empire of Tsuranuanni, which takes up the rest of the continent. The Empire is technically ruled by the emperor from Kentosani, the Holy City in Szetac province, but in practice is ruled by the Council of Ruling Lords, who in practice have complete autonomy within their own domains.

The situation is also complicated by the presence of the Assembly of Magicians in their City of the Magicians north of Ambolina province. The magicians, also referred to as Great Ones are outside the law and may do as they please "for the good of the Empire". In addition there are the temples of the ten greater and ten lesser gods, who are:

Higher gods

  • Chochocan: The Good God. The Healer. The Bringer Of Rest.
  • Zamach: The Leveler. The Fontain of Knowledge. The Master of Justice.
  • Oxalaca: The Master of Oceans. Builder of Ships. Master of Fishers.
  • Oxalaca: The Master of Oceans. Builder of Ships. Master of Fishers.
  • Juran: The Just. Master of Life. God of the Home. Father of Winds.
  • Sibi: Goddess of Death. Lover of All. Dancer in the Darkness.
  • Jastur: Lord of War. Bringer of Terror. The Revenger.
  • Thanaxaca: Master of Song. Lord of the Dance. Father of the Arts.
  • Hilbantucan: The Architect. The Silent Builder. The Master of Works.
  • Fa: The Sleeper. Master of the Night. The Retreiver.
Lower gods (in order of their relationship to the higher gods)
  • Tomachca: Bringer of Peace. Lover of Children. Protector of Orphans.
  • Tomachca: Bringer of Peace. Lover of Children. Protector of Orphans.
  • Juru: Lord of Sailors. Father of Waves. Lord of Fish.
  • Salana: Mistress of Rain. Harvest Mother. Mother of Beasts.
  • Hantukama: Lord of Healers. Bringer of Blessed Health. Cloud Rider.
  • Turukamu: Brother to Death. Eater of Hearts. The Silently Waiting One. The Red God.
  • Baracan: Lord of Swords. Singer of Battle. God of Honor.
  • Milianxana: Goddess of Singers. Mother of Happiness. Mistress of wine. Goddess of Love.
  • Tuth: Master of Levels. Hewer of Stone. God of Builders. Lord of Laborers.
  • Nictac: Lord of Thieves. Master of Assassins. Protector of Travelers.
The Empire of Tsuranuanni is divided into provinces. On the northern continent are the provinces of Ambolina (to the far west), Neshka, Szetac (contains Kentosanti, the Holy City as well as the Acoma and Minwanabi estates), Hokani, Lash and Coltari to the far east.

Separated from the northern continent by a thin strip of sea called the Xula passage is the eastern contient. On the western side of this are the two other provinces - Honshoni and Sweto, occupying the only flat land on this continent. To the east of this the Empire ends, and the Thuril Highlands begins - a near endless range of mountains and forests in which the Thuril Confederacy live.

To the southwest of the eastern continent is the third continent, of which the northernmost areas comprise Dustari, the last province of the Empire. South of Dustari is a range of mountains which separate the Empire from Tsubar, home to many tribes of desert nomads which oppose the Empire. They live in the Great Sand Wastelands, which stretch far off to the south beyond known territory.