Dag: awkward, amicable, exoplanet - (our introduction)

Hark! -> isn't this great? isn't nodes great? the website was discovered via wikipedia -
article about the Australian slang term 'dag' whilst seeking up some informations about using the same sware as an alternate condensed version to the sware 'dad gummit'

the article is written wonderfuly, just so you know - it's refreshing to see a speck of passionate whimsy brubble forth from the blank'd up murk over there -
it feels like a thrilling Event to uncover such a piece!! - it's a rare glimpse behind the curtain, an ephemeral peek thru the the psyche of some decentralized Data maelstrom with a null'd up shell..

everything2 is in good company amongst the article's citations:

the movie 'Dags (1998)' directed by Murray Fahey (director of 'Gnomebrook', a documentary on the 'Annual Australian Garden Gnome Convention' - citation needed - yet to be viewed) is mention'd. Curiously, a link attached to the Official Gnomebrook the Film website for the alledged 'Annual Australian Garden Gnome Convention' redirects to a bizarre, mysteriously minimal real estate themed website. The home page is an article with the header 'What are the Steps to Building a House?'

a definition sourced from the dictionary/thesaurus webpage Wordweb Online is referenced,

a blog post from Donna Williams, a self-proclaimed 'arty Auntie', is referred to as well. according to MY FINDINGS ETC, there seems to be a bit of a Stir afroth around what differentiates a dag from a bogan. Donna W. puts it bluntly; not to be misinterpreted. they's got a leg in this race, it seems. i'm not one to shy away from my own ignorance (trys to). i'll admit i'd probably be considered one of the 'many people' who 'mistakenly confuse Dags with Bogans'. IDK what the f a Bogan even is! D. W. stays focused on the task at hand; There's too much at stake here to risk a misunderstanding...

'Bogans are Bogans. Dags are Dags'
thos words've got a musk of crushing Finality spritzed behind their ears. But that's just the sort of thing you can expect from D. Williams --- a very Articulate arty auntie, indeed.

let's get dag'd up, shall we? But how?? there seems to be some sort of esoteric 'Dag Culture' embedded in the Aussie zeitgeist. a summary:
- prefers comfortable clothing
- not slovenly
- Certainly not a bogan
- puts frilly underpants on their head
- accidentally sets off styles (see above)
- isn't socially savvy, is affable and amusing
- DOESN"T GIVE A SINGLE FUCK (but like, for real)
- unfashionable, ridiculous, awkward, prone to bullying and scorn, stupid, hopeless, etc
- of the highest caliber one can surround oneself with

it's really a beautiful article, you should read it. really quite inspiring.... it's for reals, if a tad conceited at times. but f it - it's ok to indulge in some autopositirizations every so often, right? i think so..

it's awesome to see some uncompromised passions, that s**t isn't the sort of thing you can wring out of the soul via brute force -- it's so nice to see - lets see it!

a query for any identifying 'Dags' in the know: what kind of dag music do you listen to? what would you consider to be 'dag music'? the article hints at the concept, but its' description is a bit too vague for my taste.... but that's kind of a ridiculous thing to say of a trope this broad.... a dag is a framework, not a set of guidelines in some bullshit article on the internet.. dag is an attitude. dag is a lifestyle. dag is a mode of being. dag is a kind of societal exoplanet. so they say i guess c'man man i don't know whaddya want from me?!

it's awesome to be excited about things wonderfly and to be writing about things wonderfly.

let's go forth, and dag out.