Going on a Picnic is a word game played by bored people throughout the United States, often on long car trips.

The rules of the game are:

  1. Somebody says, "I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an [word that starts with the letter 'A']."
  2. The next person says, "I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an [previous 'A' word], and a [word that starts with 'B']."
  3. This continues through the entire alphabet, with each player coming up with an appropriate word, and repeating each of the previous words.
  4. (Optional) Players can use phrases, so long as the first word starts with the appropriate letter.

The game is played until the end of the alphabet is reached, or no one can remember the previous words. In a competative game, players lose when they forget a previous word. In non-competative play, players may prompt each other.

Example of play

Chris: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple.

Joe: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple and a balloon.

Chris: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple, a balloon and a Catholic Archbishop.

Joe: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple, a balloon, a Catholic Archbishop and a demimondaine.

Chris: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple, a balloon, a Catholic Archbishop, a demimondaine and an Everythingian.

Joe: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple, a balloon, a Catholic Archbishop, a demimondaine, an Everythingian and a festering boil.

Chris: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple, a balloon, a Catholic Archbishop, a demimondaine, an Everythingian, a festering boil, and a guidebook.

Joe: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple, a balloon, a Catholic Archbishop, a demimondaine, an Everythingian, a festering boil, a guidebook, and a hot plate.

Chris: I'm going on a picnic and I'm bringing an apple, a balloon, a Catholic Archbishop, a demimondaine, an Everythingian, a festering boil, a guidebook, a hot plate and an iMac.

And so on.