The lines:
Six at the bottom means:
The bird meets with misfortune through flying.

() Six in the second place means:
She passes by her ancestor
And meets her ancestress.
He does not reach his prince
And meets the official.
No blame.

Nine in the third place means:
If one is not extremely careful,
Somebody may come up from behind and strike him.

Nine in the fourth place means:
No blame. He meets him without passing by.
Going brings danger. One must be on guard.
Do not act. Be constantly persevering.

() Six in the fifth place means:
Dense clouds,
No rain from our western territory.
The prince shoots and hits him who is in the cave.

Six at the top means:
He passes him by, not meeting him.
The flying bird leaves him.
This means bad luck and injury.

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Next: Chi Chi, After Completion