Featured on Sci-Fi's channel show of short, independent films Exposure, More instantly became a number one hit with the audience. Here is a short synopsis directly from Exposure:

"Academy Award-nominee for Best Animated Short, More tells the story of a lowly factory worker who dreams of being a world-famous inventor. He toils endlessly on an enormous assembly-line until, one day, he invents a fabulous new product, and achieves ultimate success. Only, his success threatens the very child-like passion that got him there. Stop motion animation of an armature based puppet coupled with color transparency art and in-camera optical effects. Musical score by New Order."

Written and directed by Mark Osborne and produced by Stevel Kalafer, it is one of the best short films I have ever watched. Elegia by New Order provides a perfect soundtrack that enhances the on-screen animation and touches your soul.

It can be found at http://www.scifi.com/exposure/frameup/more.html