In this dream, I have my license and drive my mom's Saturn LS-1. Very realistic, very cool.
I had signed up for a program to help kids at my old elementary school read. I hated elementary school, but I was in high school now. When I got there, they were glad to see me and said only one other person signed up.

I walked into the room and my warm heart grew cold. There he was. That fucker. I hate him. But I was here to teach little kids to read, not hurt anyone...yet. The session went on with him inserting little pot shots here and there, but I endured. By the time it was over it was dark out.

He left and I was right behind him. I got in my maroon Saturn and followed him all the way home with the headlights off. He pulled up to his house, far off and in the woods. The night was dark and silent. I drove past but quickly pulled off the road. I hid my car and looked through it. I found a pocket knife with a 3 and a half inch blade. It'll have to do, I thought to myself.

I stepped out of my car and the stones crunched under my feet. I put my sunglasses on, emptied my pockets in the car, and put on some extra garments in the trunk, almost a whole new outfit. I closed the door and headed towards the house. Walking slowly and silently, I surveyed the area. I saw him in his room and waited for his light to go off. Time went by. Seemed like forever. Then he walked across the room and his light went out. Time to get busy.

I hopped into an unlocked window. I saw his parents lying asleep next to me. I opened the knife and started ravaging them. They didn't last long, and the death went unnoticed by the other occupants of the house. Leaving their room and entering the hall, I went into the next room. His sister was sleeping. Same routine. Quick, bloody, done. Back to the hall and into his room. I made his death harsh and wrestled about with his bloody body before allowing him relief from the agony and into the afterlife. The phone rang and scared me. I got a trash bag and filled it with my clothes and then ran out of the house. On my run back to my car, I took a detour and ditched the clothes and the knife in a drainage pipe. When I got back to my car, I turned it on and hauled ass home. Upon arrival, I asked a friend to meet me at the local plaza parking lot in half an hour. He knew something was up and met me there. I arranged to have him dispose of the evidence for $100 and gave him the money and the directions to get the stuff. I came home and slept.