I've just been accepted to the Brick Playhouse here in Philly--I'm gonna be a recognized playwright! You've no idea what this means to me, you really don't. Christ, I feel so damn fantastic, I can't even describe it.


I just checked my email, and there it was:

Subj: Brick submission and reading
Date: 5/2/01 10:01:44 PM Eastern Daylight Time
From: xxxxxx
To: [me]

Hi, xxxx from the Brick here.

Read your play, is fine for membership, cool.
Tell me: was this play only for your application, or did you want it read at the Brick on a Tuesday night? (The remaining slots this year are filling fast, so let me know asap.)

Having just read liminal's w/u below, I suddenly see how easy I've got it. "Why do I feel like it's Germany 1933?" Maybe it's not that bad, but my God, if we can't even walk down the street... This hits home, because I'm from Philly, where the cops when apeshit over the Republican Convention and decided to arrest anyone young, white, and on the street. Not much different from their normal activities, only they switched from blacks and Latinos to whites. Dontcha just love the Constitution?