
I can't believe this has happened.

Let's see:

  • I woke up at 14.00 or so. Yeah, you heard right.
  • The Inttttternet connection failed. I'll spare Usenet for tomorrow because I could get to net so late...
  • The mouse didn't work (again!) so I needed to open it up and see what it had eaten. Surgery revealed about a metric ton of Grade 1 EU directive-specified shit that was quickly removed. (I should carry that to department of chemistry and ask them what it really was...)

    OK, I admit it: I'm a software type, not a hardware guy, so putting the mouse togheter wasn't possible with my faith (well, actually it was, but I was afraid that I would break it). It's still in pieces now. So, I just took the mouse that came with the machine - OEM version of the very same Logitech rodent - and plugged it in. Luckily for me, X11 now supports wheel of the OEM version of this mouse, it didn't do that earlier...

Well, that's about that. I wish my awakenings will become more controlled...


Downloaded some MGS music and pictures...

...maybe I'll get an used PlayStation just to play the game without need to dual boot. =)

Other day logs o' mine...

Noded today by y.t.: xkobo GRUB Nelonen
