Dear "JAT" (LGBT200 Teacher at the University of Maryland, College Park),

Well, the day has finally come to turn in my relevant coursework for LGBT200, and as we've discussed, I'm presenting it to you via Everything2.

Welcome to Everything2, which I think you'll find interesting in its own right, above and beyond my contributions. Below, you'll find a list of my journal entries specifically for this class. Some of the ones that are about a specific reading are titled differently so that they better describe the subject of the article. Since it is possible for mutliple people to write things in the same "node," be sure you are reading the one that I wrote, which is the one whose author is listed as "ameriwire," which is my 'handle' on Everything2 (E2):

  1. First, an introductory entry, then:
  2. phallocentric
  3. What Gay Studies Taught the Court
  4. Dissent in Ashcroft's America
  5. Toward a Sociology of transgendered bodies
  6. September 29, 2004
  7. Surgical Assignment of biological sex in humans
  8. First writeup regarding the "On the DL" article
  9. Second writeup regarding the "On the DL" article
  10. Re-Orienting Desire: The Gay International and the Arab World
  11. Marketing automobiles to gay Americans
  12. Gay and Lesbian Christians: Homosexual and Religious Identity Integration in the Members and Participants of a Gay-Positive Church
  13. sexually active
  14. November 3, 2004
  15. The Uses of the Erotic: The Erotic as Power
  16. A dream I had regarding sex as power
  17. A journal of my thoughts on Dec. 1
  18. San Francisco as a gay city
  19. gay voice
  20. gay bashing
  21. Hens Night
  22. vast majority
  23. Sex education for the blind
  24. And, although this is mostly taken from my final paper, I've changed it a bit here on E2, so you might want to read my writeup at Gay-coded advertisement.

Also, you may want to check out, "Ten Reasons Not to Move to Canada," which I have presented here on E2, but I did not write it; I got permission from its author to post it here, so I'm not taking credit for writing it, but I think you might find the author's argument interesting.

Now, you'll notice that all of the writeups on Everything2, (including mine), have "links" in them, and these were all placed by me. Sometimes they link to exactly what the underlined phrase says, but other times they link to someplace else, which I have done to make an opinion statement of some kind, usually. For example, if you encounter the underlined word, "sinister," it might link to the Everything2 node called "sinister," at which you can find the definition of the word, and any other writeups that users have placed there. But since it is within my power, I might occasionally—nay, frequently—link such references to the "George W. Bush" node, suggesting, of course the obvious truth that George W. Bush is a clear sign of Armageddon's coming. (Ooh! There ya go, I did it again; can't help myself).

Finally, if you are interested in perusing all of the writing I've done on Everything2, you can click here, and then click on the three-digit number in the middle of that page, referring to "number of writeups." That will present you with a list of all my writing here. Some of these writeups were for your class, some were for other classes; but the vast majority of them were for my own enjoyment (believe it or not).

Anyway, JAT, welcome once again to E2, and enjoy yourself; there's lots of great stuff to read here.

