U is the atomic symbol for element 93, Uranium. U-235 makes the nice explosions.

U is the NYSE ticker symbol for US Airways a.k.a. USAir.

U, or more specifically <U>, is the HTML tag for creating underlined text.

u is sometimes used as an abbreviation for micro, as in uSeconds, since many people have trouble typing a Greek mu.

In many cases, U stands for University as in UM, MU or U of M. Without context, however, there's no way to tell if the M stands for Maryland, Michigan, Miami, Myanmar or Marsupial.

Many silly people, in advertising agencies and chat rooms, like to use U to mean "you" as in U-store-it, and "U R Gr8". Don't do this.

In English, you almost always need a U after a Q, except in rare and borrowed cases. The OED lists the words qadi, qadhi, qazi, qasida, Qatabanian, Qatari, qi, Qiana and qiviut, as well as alternate spellings such as qabab for kabab, qaimaqam for kaimakam, qanat for kanat, qanon or qanun for kanoon, qat for cat, qazaq for kazakh, qere for keri, qhat for what, qheche for which, qhom or qhwom for whom, qhythsontyd for Whitsuntide, qibla for kiblah and qibli for gibli,

See also U-haul U-571 U-boat