This used to be a simple question to answer.

Click on the arrow that points down at the far bottom right of the Quicktime movie window. This will display a number of options - one of which is to 'Save As'. Select it and ta da - you have a local copy of your favourite Quicktime movie.

Unfortunately, this answer doesn't work for all Quicktime movies anymore.

Recently, Apple introduced a new 'feature' into the Quicktime format which allowed producers to disable the 'Save As' option or to even remove the entire 'down arrow' button. For what reason is beyond me. Stop people making unauthorised copies? To force people to visit their website to view the trailer? To count the number of views? Whatever. All I know is that I get damn sick of waiting for a movie trailer to download again if I decide that I want to watch it a second/third/fourth time!

So, if you encounter a Quicktime movie which has had the 'Save As' feature disabled, here is how you can still make a local copy:

  • View the Quicktime movie
  • Find out where your internet cache is stored (in Netscape it is referred to as cache, in IE it is referred to as 'Temporary Internet Files'). You can find out the location by looking under the Options menu in your browser.
  • Search in that folder for files with the .mov extension
  • Copy the required file out of the cache to a normal folder
Ta da - you now have your own local copy of the Quicktime movie and you can watch it as many times as you like without chewing up your bandwidth or wasting your time while it downloads!

Note: Some of the Quicktime movies can be quite large in size (30+ Mbyte). If the size of your cache is smaller than the Quicktime movie, the movie file will not be stored in the cache which will of course prevent you from grabbing a copy. In this case, increase the size of your cache to say 50 Mbyte and you will be fine (unless the movie is bigger than 50 Mbyte :)

Further suggestions:
This from Eraser - use wget (there are Windows and *nix versions) to get the file. View the source, piece together the full URL, and then grab it with that!